Saturday, December 29, 2007
4F outing today. Supposedly was to catch a movie first before dinner, but different people watched like different movies already, so it didn't work out. Went to the arcade instead and watched people spam their 1 dollar coins on the candy machine that lets you win big plushies as a jackpot prize. Damn illogical to spend so much money to get candy and its not guaranteed that they will get the prize. Had pizza hut for dinner and the waitress kind of cock up our orders. But in the end we got a 'bonus'. Thanks pizza hut :) Oh yea send me the pics we took!
Anyway on a sidenote, I suddenly feel like there's so much I want to say to certain people, but somehow I can't bring myself to do it. I'm afraid of the kind of response I will get, especially those of being dao-ed. But worse would be a conversation thats kind of fake, as in both parties would try to seem as if nothing ever went wrong between them when its quite obvious its the other way round. I'm quite tired of trying, really.
Sometimes I tell myself to forget it cause its really hopeless, but the other part of me would hope against hope that things would turn out the way I hope it would. Thats quite naive of me I admit. But I really can't get myself to get over it.
I'm not really emo-ing right now. Its just that I have alot of thoughts and I really need to get it all out.
I'm sorry for all the things I did, all the unhappiness I caused.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
MERRY XMAS TO ALL!Ok so christmas has come and gone. No festive mood for me however. After having fever for like more than 1 week, my stomach decided to rebel on me today! Amazing how I even survived all the extra gastric juices my stomach produced! It's torturous I tell you.Damn its 15 days to NS and I'm so unfit! Screw the illness!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I realised it's been quite long since I blogged. Been neglecting my poor blog haha.
Let's see what happened these past few days.
Monday had dinner at Muthu's Curry with the club to welcome Mr Tan back. 20 dollars for dinner! I'm broke =(
Tuesday was the sentosa outing! With the juniors and the other Mr Tan lol. Quite on sia both the juniors and Mr Tan. Lucky it didn't rain heavily at Sentosa. Ended up with my back burned from beach volleyball and beach soccer.
After dinner at PastaMania we went over to Darren's house for a stayover. Mahjong-ed and sang songs LOL. Quite gay! HAHAHA! That's the ultimate level of boredom-ness.
Wednesday was 4F's bbq cum class gathering! Kelvin and me took 1hr30mins to reach there from hougang! Like
!@$#%#^ freaking long sia. I ate like 1 chicken wing 3 marshmellows 2 taiwan sausages 3 fishballs 1 otah nia. So little! Anyway was playing soccer halfway when the security guard came to lock the court. What a wet blanket!
Thursday is the stay-at-home day! All the frequent staying up and intensive sports made me feel a little sick. Let's hope my fever subsides by tml! :)
Friday, December 07, 2007
Graham aka Pro-m King sleeping on the bus. So unglam LOL.
10/06 guys. Dunno where Chengliang went lol.

Chick and me.
Wow photo with CHAMPION!! Thats rare :)
Eelin and me. 
TJCCC 06/07 Gals!
Me and Kyna, ultimate blur queen lol! Bluff me say nvr go prom!

TJCCC 06/07 Guys!
TJCCC 06/07 Gals! Again lol.
Shuhui and me. Lion head =X

Me and Shalynn. My mum LOL!
Me and Siying and Wanting. Siying con me say we took individual photo already. Then turn out nvr -.-''
Haha I nvr upload all the photos cos it would probably take 131244757 years. Not as if I have alot, but you know what I mean :)
Msn me if you want your photos :)
PS: I think I look better with blazer on in the photos LOL
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
TJC prom was yday. Starlight Romance, but where's the romance? Quite an okay affair I guess. The food and programme wasn't that important. What's most important is the company that we had. Prom with climbers was certainly great. Haha. Pics up when I feel like uploading them :)
Twang@Zouk after that. Paid $18 to go in and drink lol. Pity I didn't get real high though. Was afraid of getting drunk and doing some funny things. Bel and Graham was high though. Hahaha seeing people get drunk is fun. They chased us out 1 hour earlier though, cause they were suffering losses -.- Reason!
Alot of things have happened recently. Some not particularly pleasant to me, but I guess its good in the sense that it woke me up. Stopped me from dreaming. I realised I was being quite naive, running away from the truth. I thought that maybe, just maybe, there's still something. But I guess I was wrong :( I hope that after this I can finally let it all go. Really.
Rah I'm bored. Anyone up for mahjong-ing? Lol.