Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Nice wound of mine there. Got it when I bouldered on monday. You guys should have seen the amount of blood then. Surprisingly it didnt hurt and I didnt even know I was bleeding until sometime later. Well, guess Im going numb from all the things that have happened. Life's boring, with everyone chionging their studies and no one coming online to chat or play. Sian!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
"I wish I didnt do what I did"
"Ignorance is bliss"
"Now I understand what is meant by 'Man proposes, God disposes'"
"Time to study!"
"Someone teach me how to let go of things"
"I feel a void, like something missing inside and its painful"
"Anyone going ClimbOn?"
Just some random thoughts of mine... 3 am is a nice time to blog >.<
Maybe the coffee is keeping me awake... Or maybe its something else... Just like last time...
Monday, August 20, 2007
My GP tutor told me to start writing like a writer, not as a student today. Hmm maybe it's time to ask LIMZY to be my shifu and teach me those chim words that nobody understands. Lol!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Let me tell you a story.
There was once this old lady, almost in her eighties.
She had 3 grandchildren, 2 boys and 1 girl. The eldest would probably remember her as the one who carried him around, who brought him to the market and who taught him how to ride a bicycle. Sharing the same bedroom, they shared a bond much like that of mother-and-son.
Maybe it was because she lived through the war. Or maybe that's just her character. Either way, she was strong, a fighter. Stricken with cancer, she managed to undergo chemotherapy and more amazingly, survived it.
He thought it was all over, everything was going to be fine. How wrong he was.
She was diagnosed with cancer again. But this time the doctors were not optimistic. They said the cancer cells were more aggressive now and all they could do was to make her undergo chemotherapy again, to make her live abit longer.
He saw that she was suffering. She used to cook, clean and take care of everything in the house. Now, she couldn't even walk for long. It pained him, but he didn't know what to say. Whenever he recalled the memories, he cried.
One day, his mum told him what his grandmother had said when a social worker asked her, "What's on your mind now?"
His grandmother replied in cantonese, "我的孙子."
Hearing this, he cried.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Thanks for the ice-cream! =D
Saturday, August 11, 2007
TJCCC 06/07 farewell yesterday. Played some soccer, dunked some ppl, waterbombed others, quite fun except for the complaining residents and kp security guards zz. Kind of liked Mr Tan's powerpoint about our experiences, but I know it's nothing compared to what we remember deep in our hearts.I had forgotten how to cry, thanks for reminding me
Just realised Philip and Kelly have been visiting our blogs. Well a big thanks to the both of you, for the encouraging words and motivating message. It's been real nice to get to know you all :)Thanks for the 31 hours you gave meIt really came as a shock, totally unexpected. But what more can I do?Broken at 0151
I feel like I'm going to lose everything thats close to me, everything that I care for =(
Anyway, thanks for even giving me a chance
Monday, August 06, 2007
Well been too lazy to blog, anyway nth interesting happens...
Everyone around me has like started studying, more or less... But I still slacking sia... And if you all think Im mindgaming then so be it... Guess I should start to study soon, 5 weeks left to prelims! But I've been saying that for the past 2 weeks still no action lol...
Seriously its hard to get myself to just sit down and study... Quite tempted to play games, soccer etc... And theres something I got to do... Hopefully turns out alright :)
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
I really wonder why is life so unfair. Giving one hope after inflicting a loved one with suffering, pain that we can never imagine, only to crush it in a matter of months. Why do good people always have to suffer? Why my grandma of all people? She took care of me when I was still a child and I feel closer to her than to my parents. To get cancer again after recovering from it just barely a few months ago is devastating. Just when I thought everything could be back to normal, this had to happen. I guess most people wont understand what my family went through the first time she was diagnosed with cancer and I wont go too much into it. It was a tough period then and I believe it would be tougher now. Well I guess its all fated. We can run, but we cant hide.
Anyway on a sidenote, I got gold for NAPFA today. Not a big achievement I know, but just felt like putting it here.