Sunday, November 26, 2006
i think that im too slack liao...
its gonna be december soon...
and i haven touched any of the holiday hw...
or revised any subject as i said i want to...
lol im gonna die when school starts...
every holiday like that...
they shouldnt call it holidays la...
with the holiday hw and all...
maybe they should call it "do-hw-at-home days"...
lol im crapping xD...
when will i ever have the motivation to study sia...
like that cannot make it la...
haha... confirm gg...
somebody save me lol =/
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Muffin! A little puppy we found at Nyamuk...

Me climbing...

On the rocks...

On the bus to Camp 5 ...

At Fish and Co.
Haha... Im beginning to miss the trip already...
Friday, November 24, 2006
Today's washing day...
Glad that people turned up...
Especially those with the OGL induction camp thingy...
Thanks alot...
But some people just pisses me off la...
Cant they just put themselves into people's shoes and think...
Its not as if I want to stay there doing nth just waiting for the equipment to dry right?
I also want to go off mah...
Then these people just keep complaining and all...
Seriously gets on my nerves...
Yea well... Im not directing it to anyone in particular...
So dont get offended... Haha...
Thursday, November 23, 2006
o.O ok this is my first post xD
Well just came back from my year end expedition...
Totally fun...
One whole week with friends in KL...
One whole week of climbing...
Yea nice experience...
Especially when someone's room was filled with smoke...
Being in the exco as the logistics i/c was quite stressful...
Especially when equipment went missing during the trip...
Thinking back it was quite fun however...
Having the responsibility over the equipment and all...
Well I guess we bonded quite well together over the 7 days...
But just like wad darren said...
Being too closely bonded can be a bad thing too...
We had this talk together with some other guys in our hotel room...
And it seemed like we had the same feelings towards certain things...
People's bad points... Their flaws etc...
So its sort of contradictory...
We are more bonded together...
But we start to see cracks in our relationships...
Yea well...
I guess such things are inevitable...
No one is perfect anyway...
Hopefully nothing bad happens...